Our Leading Forensic Accountants in Denver, CO
MDD Forensic Accountants’ Denver office focuses on quantifying economic damages related to business interruption, lost profits, extra expenses/increased costs, liability losses, fidelity claims, construction defect and builders risk, business disputes, divorce & marital disputes, and personal injury & wrongful death.
MDD is one of the leading forensic accounting firms in Denver, Colorado. It is managed by Conrad Biegel who is a licensed Certified Public Accountant (“CPA”) in Colorado, and a licensed Certified Valuation Analyst (“CVA”).
Matson, Driscoll & Damico LLP,
Wells Fargo Center - 1700 Lincoln Street, 17th Floor - Denver, CO 80203

Forensic Accountants in Denver, CO
The forensic accountants in Denver regularly accept accounting assignments relating to financial damages in the commercial, cyber, and automobile insurance sectors. Their work also involves quantifications in business valuations, mergers and acquisitions, business disputes, tracing of funds and assets and divorce and marital disputes.
The team in Denver has been involved in numerous engagements relating to litigation support and expert witness testimony services, including arbitration and appraisals.
MDD Denver has significant catastrophe services experience gained from working on assignments involving hailstorms, wildfires, tornados and micro-bursts, floods, hurricanes, mass shootings and pandemic diseases.
With Colorado being known for its forests, mountains, deserts and many different topographies, the Denver office has garnered vast experience in industries such as agriculture, entertainment and recreation, mining, forestry, fishing, and hunting.
To discover more about how we can help you and your clients, contact us via one of the many contact methods provided for an informal discussion. We look forward to hearing from you.