Personal Injury & Wrongful Death

Personal Injury and Wrongful Death
Personal injury and wrongful death claims require specialized knowledge and expertise. That’s why so many clients rely on MDD. As the world’s premier forensic accounting firm, we have helped hundreds of clients assess economic losses from motor vehicle accidents, slips and falls, medical malpractice claims, and other incidents.
We provide clients with a full suite of loss calculations, including:
- Past and future income losses
- Pension losses
- Loss of fringe benefits
- Loss of business value
- Dependency losses
- Future care present value calculations.
MDD will obtain documentation, drill down through the information to carefully study the underlying drivers of the loss, and then deliver a thorough, user-friendly report which will allow both parties to understand the findings and reconcile any differences in assumptions.
We have particular expertise in analysing the records of self-employed business owners and assessing the impact of the incident on their revenues, expenses, and the value of their businesses.
In the case of protracted dealings or court action, our specialists are also skilled at providing expert testimony.
For support in personal injury and wrongful death claims, hire MDD.
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Our experts are extremely knowledgeable about thier subject areas and often write educational material and commentary on topical issues they come across.
The Unique Perspective of a Certified ‘Forensic CPA’ Arbitrator
Alternate dispute resolution (ADR) is any procedure that is used in matters that would otherwise be settled in a court of law. Examples of ADR include arbitration, mediation, appraisal, and mini-trial. ADR is a dispute resolution strategy with applications to...
Economic Damages from Personal Injury: A Forensic Accountant’s Perspective
Regrettably, individuals can experience a temporary or permanent diminishment in their ability to perform certain functions due to a tortfeasor. Forensic accountants and economists are regularly retained in matters involving the injury or death of an individual for the purpose...
Calculating Sports Star Damages
The lawsuit of Canadian tennis star Eugenie Bouchard v. United States Tennis Association is still at an early stage. However, as forensic accountants who spend much of their time thinking about personal injury damages and playing tennis (albeit poorly), it...
Real Injuries, False Returns: Personal Injury Claims and Unreported Income
Individuals advancing claims for loss of income due to bodily injury may have historically underreported their income to the taxation authorities. A 2011 Statistics Canada study estimated the size of Canada’s “underground economy” at up to $36 billion. Other research...
Personal Injury Losses and the Self-employed: A Business Valuation Perspective on Labour & Capital
Business valuation concepts can be critical for the proper quantification of personal injury damages, particularly in the context of self-employed individuals. Business valuators are commonly called upon to assess the fair market value of small, owner-managed businesses. One of the...
Personal Injury Damages and the “Capital Asset” Approach
Canadian courts have typically adopted one of two categories in quantifying financial losses due to bodily injury. One approach is the “lost earnings approach”. This approach attempts to directly measure the decrease in the plaintiff’s future earning level by projecting...
Personal Injury Damages and Taxation
A couple of weeks back I posted on the issue of damages and taxation. The discussion was focused on awards in respect of lost profits. Someone asked me whether the same concepts apply to personal injury damages? The short answer...
Economic and Industry Conditions: Considerations and Tools for Disability Claim Assessment
In recent years the news headlines have been filled with stories about the global financial crisis. Fears of a double-dip recession, the ongoing U.S. and European debt crisis, mortgage foreclosures and lingering high unemployment are issues that continue to dominate...
Astronomy or Astronomical: Did the Mayans project the future?
Much like predictions based on interpreting the Mayan Calendar, determining the career path of a child or a student is always a difficult exercise. Typically, with an individual who has already commenced their work-life, a history of employment would be...
Calculating Income Loss
Assessing the income lost by a personal injury victim depends on whether the casualty is self employed, in which case assessing the loss becomes a lot more complicated. An expert on insurance litigation for MDD Forensic Accountants gives some guidance....
Training Opportunities
At MDD, we offer a variety of free-of-charge training opportunities for our clients to give them a better understanding of how policy wording is applied in the real world and some of the common quantification issues we come across.
This training will focus on:
- Understanding the concepts behind measuring loss of income and loss of earning capacity
- Understanding the unique challenges faced when measuring these losses for a self-employed individual
- Understanding of contingencies, retirement age, discount rates, etc.
Training may vary from region to region. Contact us here to discuss your training needs.