Liability Losses

Liability Losses
When an event causes damage, injures people, or prevents access to surrounding areas for an extended period, it’s essential to identify the financial impact for those affected. That’s why so many companies turn to MDD.
MDD has worked on behalf of clients worldwide to quantify liability losses. When you hire us, MDD will work with you to create checklists and documentation requests to help you thoroughly examine all aspects of the event and make an informed decision.
When clients ask for our help with liability matters, we will:
- Analyze and verify financial and operating records
- Assess and record all physical damages
- Track and measure all post-event happenings such as clean-up processes and decontamination procedures
- Analyze lost profits claims through the examination of financial and operational records
- Identify and calculate extra expenses
- Explore products recall and disposal expenses
- Analyze all costs related to product rehabilitation and re-establishment expenses
- Measure losses stemming from alleged professional negligence
- Expert and consulting witness testimony when necessary
To ensure a reasonable, accurate and complete measurement of your liability losses, hire MDD.
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Peloton Recall of Tread+ and CPSC in Protecting Consumer Safety
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Trends in Food and Beverage Related Product Recalls
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Product Liability Claims: How can a forensic accountant assist in the claims process?
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Forensic Accounting Liability Exposures
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Liability: When Do the Numbers Become Important?
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Fight the Battle on Two Fronts – Liability and Damages
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Our firm has over 80 years of experience working on assignments that span over 800 industries around the world. By exploring some of the cases we have worked on you will gain a better understanding of how we might be able to assist you in your quantification, investigation or valuation needs.