
Mining & Refining
Mining plays an integral role in all our lives, providing the raw materials that are essential to so many products and services. However, mining comes with its own unique set of legal, environmental, health and safety challenges. Operations are susceptible to all kinds of risks such as equipment failures, natural disasters, third-party negligence, civil unrest, fires, explosions and other operational hazards.
Given the global spread of the major mining companies’ operations, the resulting damages and losses can affect the operations of many facilities, both upstream and downstream.
MDD’s forensic accounting professionals have the knowledge and expertise required to help our clients resolve the onerous and often complicated issues that surround these types of events.
We offer a wide range of mining and refining damage quantification services that include:
- Detailed analysis of the company’s operational, financial and management reporting records including mining plans
- Interviewing key management and operations staff
- Comparing forecasted operations to actual during the period of interruption and following
- Determining the impact of environmental, market, employee relations and other influences on expected operating results
- Considering non-loss related operating conditions and events that may have impacted operations during the loss and recovery period
- Conducting market studies in relation to pricing, demand, etc.
- Performing analysis to assist in the decision-making process in relation to loss mitigation opportunities
- Communicating the progress and results of the analysis in a clear and timely manner
- Expert and consulting witness testimony
To ensure your mining loss is measured accurately, hire MDD.
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Our experts are extremely knowledgeable about thier subject areas and often write educational material and commentary on topical issues they come across.
How is Electrification Disrupting the Energy Sector?
One of the biggest trends shaping society today is the widespread adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs). While Tesla pioneered this movement as a disruptor, nearly every automobile manufacturer worldwide is now actively developing its own electric vehicles. Governments have implemented...
Carbon Capture – Is it Really Going to Materialise?
Before we discuss the carbon capture process and how it is used, it is worthwhile conceptualising the carbon emissions emitted worldwide and why different technologies, including carbon capture, must be considered as part of the energy transition. As can be...
High Grade Ore And A Question Of Indemnity
When a mine suffers business interruption, the issue of high grading can come into play. The question is whether insurers should actually benefit? Mining business interruption insurance and the principle of indemnity is no simple matter. Take the case of...
Recognition of Lost Production at a Gold Mine
With any loss measurement, we must understand how the incident impacted operations. In mining losses, this is no different, we need to understand both mining and milling operations. So, when there is an incident at a mine, how does this...
Variable Mining Costs – How Should They Be Treated?
Variable expenses: one would consider this to be one of the easier aspects in the analysis of a mining claim; however, that is far from the truth. When it comes to mining losses, the determination of which costs are considered...
Back to Coal mining in the UK, what about the risk, which risk?
If you have an interest in energy, heavy industry or simply ESG you cannot fail to have seen the news towards the end of last year - that the UK has approved its first coal mine for many years. The...
Mining BI Insurance: Remediation and Rehabilitation
All mines, no matter how vast or intricate, are ultimately temporary and will one day be depleted. When all valuable materials are extracted, or at least those that are cost-effective, mining operations will cease, and the mine will be decommissioned....
Mining BI Insurance: Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization
The use of depreciation, depletion and amortization (DD&A) is an accounting method that allows the cost of an asset to be recorded as an expense over a period of time in order to reflect the use and consumption of the...
The Importance of Mining Plans
Any well-run business starts with a plan, and a mining operation is no exception. Plans and budgeting or forecasting allow management to prepare for a future period, whether in the short-term or in the long run. Based on projections, management...
Mining BI Insurance and the Impact of Changes in Ore Grade
Ore grade refers to the metal content of an ore deposit, and it is the value of the contained metals or minerals less the cost of extracting and refining that drives the economics of a mine site. There can be...
Mining Claim – All Is Not As It Appears
In this briefing we focus on mining claims, and share our knowledge and technical expertise on one of the loss measurement issues regularly encountered in mining claims, production bottlenecks. What you will learn from reading the article include: How the...
Mining Business Interruption Insurance and the Principle of Indemnity
Mining Business Interruption Insurance and the Principle of Indemnity A contradiction? How can a mine claim for lost production when the ore is not lost and will be mined? Why does a mining company need to purchase business interruption insurance...
Mining Industry Revisits Anti-Corruption Procedures
Mining companies should take note of Canada’s stricter penalties and more aggressive enforcement of anti-corruption laws and make sure their anti-bribery compliance procedures are up to speed, lawyers, forensic accountants and mining executives warned at a recent conference in Toronto....
Our firm has over 80 years of experience working on assignments that span over 800 industries around the world. By exploring some of the cases we have worked on you will gain a better understanding of how we might be able to assist you in your quantification, investigation or valuation needs.
The following forensic accounting services may also be of interest to you.
Training Opportunities
At MDD, we offer a variety of free-of-charge training opportunities for our clients to give them a better understanding of how policy wording is applied in the real world and some of the common quantification issues we come across.
This training will provide some insight into the specifics of the economic damage quantification process as it relates to the mining industry.
This training can cover:
- Mine process overview & mine process bottlenecks
- The importance of mining plans
- Principle of indemnity
- Impact of ore grade changes
- Shaft, hoist, skip and pit wall failures
- Workings of a Ball/SAG mill
- Integrated mining & refining operations
- Fixed vs variable expenses
- Impact of market commodity and FX prices
- Production loss mitigation opportunities and methods
- Site remediation and rehabilitation
- New tech in mining
Training may vary from region to region. Contact us here to discuss your training needs.