Employee Dishonesty & Fraud

Employee Dishonesty & Fraud
MDD is routinely engaged to assist in investigations relating to fraud and employee dishonesty matters. We have experience with numerous investigations within various levels government agencies ranging from municipal to federal governments, as well as indigenous government bodies.
Further to this, we hold secret security clearance and protected document status with the Canadian federal government and have experience working on sensitive matters.
MDD’s government employee dishonesty and fraud specialists are trained to identify and investigate both matters identified by the client and matters identified while an investigation is ongoing.
We routinely interview people associated with the matter at hand, whether they be the focus of the investigation, whistle-blowers or others who work at the organization.
MDD has experience working on high-profile matters and matters where our reports are publicly released.
Our investigation typically results in a written report that includes not only our findings concerning the investigation but also any identified control weaknesses and suggestions to improve security within the organization.
Some examples where MDD may be able to assist are as follows:
- Litigation support and expert witness testimony in criminal and civil proceedings
- Fraud investigation
- Asset tracing and funds analysis
- Anti-fraud consulting, including detection and prevention
- Electronic discovery and document analysis
- Forensic data collection
- Specialized forensic accounting training
For assistance with the quantification of employee dishonesty & fraud, hire MDD.
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Our experts are extremely knowledgeable about thier subject areas and often write educational material and commentary on topical issues they come across.
Beyond the Fraud Triangle: Navigating Fraud Risks in Today’s Business Landscape
FRAUD. A five-letter word with consequential effects on individuals, organizations, and the economy as a whole. Fraud can be defined as an intentional act of deception in order to acquire something of value, whether it be a personal or financial...
How to Tackle Employee Fraud
Picture this, you, CFO, are sitting at your desk when an anonymous letter arrives alleging that employee X has been committing fraud against your company. Your first thoughts might be disbelief, anger and betrayal. You may question your relationship with...
Fraud Fighting 101
While I consider myself a pacifist, as a forensic accountant, I have been occasionally referred to as a fraud “fighter”. So, in the spirit of International Fraud Awareness Week (November 13 to 19, 2022), I would like to share some...
COVID-19 and Fraud Claims
COVID-19 has sent shockwaves throughout much of the insurance world. Insurance company stocks have been some of the worst performing since the virus went, well… viral, in anticipation of declines in profits due in part to COVID-related claims. Much of...
Fraud in the time of COVID-19: Proactive steps to mitigate fraud risk
As the markets react to each update on COVID-19, a quote from Warren Buffet has seen increased circulation: “Only when the tide goes out do you see who’s been swimming naked”. The current environment has seen increasing news of corporate...
“Frenemies”: Is your organisation in bed with Brutus?
A growing area of concern for corporates is the proportion of fraud committed by “frenemies”, an encompassing term for the third parties a company works with on a day-to-day basis. This includes suppliers, agents and consumers: entities with which a...
The Better Way – Tips For Implementing Controls To Prevent Fraud
Last week, the Auditor General of Toronto issued a report estimating that in 2018 alone, the TTC lost $61 million due to fare evasion. As both a frequent rider of the TTC and a forensic accountant specializing in fraud investigations, I...
Fraud and Corruption: How Culture Impacts Effective Risk Management
The Fraud Triangle: Rationalisation, Opportunity and Pressure Any elementary student of fraud will be aware of the “Fraud Triangle”, a theory developed by Edwin Sutherland and Donald Cressey. This theory posits three elements of fraud: Rationalisation (the ability of the...
Fidelity / Fraud Losses: Forensic Investigation and Loss Quantification Concepts
A fraudster’s gain is someone else’s pain – or loss; but is the corporate fraudster’s gain always the same as the insured’s financial loss? Are the financial implications of the fraud always the same as the actual loss to an...
How to Protect Your Business Assets – What You Should Know
The most common response I hear from business owners who are victims of employee fraud is “I never thought this would happen to me”. Employee theft, especially in the automotive industry, is common, because small businesses such as car dealerships...
3 Tips On How To Protect Your Firm From Fraud & Internet Theft
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Mining Industry Revisits Anti-Corruption Procedures
Mining companies should take note of Canada’s stricter penalties and more aggressive enforcement of anti-corruption laws and make sure their anti-bribery compliance procedures are up to speed, lawyers, forensic accountants and mining executives warned at a recent conference in Toronto....
Financial Statements are Friends not Foes
Discovery is under-way. The records are starting to flow. As you leaf through a box of documents just delivered, you pull out a stack of financial statements and, like so many other attorneys, you cringe. As you scan through the...
Fight the Battle on Two Fronts – Liability and Damages
Plaintiff and Defense attorneys are guilty! Guilty of waiting until the last minute to address areas of damages. MDD is very often retained in litigation engagements when the measurement of damages takes a back seat to liability and causation. Although...