Matt is a Partner/Senior Vice President in MDD Forensic Accountants’ Toronto office and is the Managing Partner of the Toronto, Kingston, and Ottawa offices. He is one of the leaders of the firm’s litigation services practice and has provided expert witness testimony before the Superior Court of Ontario and the Supreme Court of the State of New York.
He has over twenty years of experience in the areas of economic loss quantification and forensic/investigative accounting.
Matt has extensive experience in the areas of personal injury and wrongful death. He has prepared expert reports on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants specializing in the valuation of past & future income losses, dependency losses, pension losses as well as the present value of future care costs. The valuations prepared in these assignments have been related to a wide variety of occupations (including both employed and self-employed individuals) as well as minors.
Matt has been retained to provide investigative accounting reports in a variety of civil matters.
Matt has been engaged to quantify economic losses in numerous industries such as power generation, construction, commercial retail, agriculture, general & heavy manufacturing as well as a variety of professional services.
He has presented numerous workshops and seminars on a wide range of forensic accounting topics.
Matt graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University with an Honours Bachelor in Business Administration degree. He received his Diploma in Investigative and Forensic Accounting at the University of Toronto.